Hey i have a question... So my LS is an 95' 4dr. If i want to do a front end conversion to an LS 2000 2dr will the whole front end fit into my 4dr?white is her biased opinion.
i was thinking...green/gold?
well i just wonder how it would look with a 2000 conversion front end.lol but im not too sure of doing it thats why i was asking. The other reason is because my after market hood is heavy as hell. and fenders have some dents. So i thought since i need to replace the fenders why not do a conversion. I do like the 94-97 look though!! And thanks for the answers!!!itll fit. but why would you want to? the 94-97 looks better imo when done up.
as for paint, having a black or unpainted cf hood looks tacky to me now. it was cool, but having it painted looks way better. if you want, throw a decal of whatever you want, paint over it, remove the sticker, and clear coat it. keep the white paint or something close to white. if youre gonna change the color entirely, paint EVERYTHING (enging bay, door jams, under the trunk/hood, etc..)
i got them cheap so i didnt really care for the size on the back. But i going to sell these ones and get some 15" Drag wheels. I recently bought new tires Khumo Ecstawhy would you put 16" wheels in the back... and 15's up front?
Guess you never planned on rotating the tires?