

I replaced my transmission this weekend tried to start it and it wouldn turn im getting air spark and fuel, so we took the valve cover off and we noticed the timing was off 45 degrees on the intake side...lined her up and it sounds more like it wants to start but it still wont start at all...anything more we need to do?


Slow Driver
valve clearance, use a timing light, that should do it.

Do you know how to properly check timing? If it was 45 degrees off you might want to get new pistons and valves.


aww shit your kidding me... Yeah id imagine ill get a timing light, like when i pulled off the valve cover the mark was half of 180 degrees so i guess youd say 90 degrees?


Slow Driver
huh? set the pully to TDC, make sure the cam gears are set to TDC and go from there. I HIGHLY suggest spending however much a Haimes manual is and getting one. It will save your life.


We executed that and went on to adjust the timing from there, yeah i can do that considering i gotta wait till the weekend : /


Super Moderator
Slo_Teggy is right, if you're cam timing was that far off, you may have some valves that look like corkscrews. It would probably be worth it to set the timing properly and perform a compression test.


Slow Driver
ok well out of the:

pully TDC
cam gear TDC
valve clearance
timing light

do you have any questions on how to do it? If you're lost about it all that's fine. It's not as easy as changing oil so not everyone knows how to do it. Let me know if you needs steps how to do certain ones or all. I'll write something up for you.


New Member
ok well out of the:

pully TDC
cam gear TDC
valve clearance
timing light

do you have any questions on how to do it? If you're lost about it all that's fine. It's not as easy as changing oil so not everyone knows how to do it. Let me know if you needs steps how to do certain ones or all. I'll write something up for you.
Would u mind writing something up for me. id like 2 know how to change a timing belt.


Slow Driver
Tell me about valve clearance!
(PM? Here? New Thread?)
I will get my Haimes manual and write it word for word. There might be some confusing parts but I'll explain it all. I might be able to find a video or something... let me check

Would u mind writing something up for me. id like 2 know how to change a timing belt.
If I do mine soon, I will take pictures and do a write-up. I'm sure there is some kind of article out there if you need tit now though. I'll check for you.