your integra picture game

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Frequent Blogger

Was In the Neighbor"hood"



that one is calling for NY city or something like it lol..

too bad my town is almost always empty unless i ask my neighbors to stand around my car while i take a pic


New Member
i might be able to get this one, idk. we shall see.
Challenge: Your car with upwards of 15 people next to it


I think i know a few places where.... peeps by the beach should have a pretty east time with this one as well

Challenge: Your car with upwards of 15 people next to it


Well-Known Member
WOW. You guys need to ease up. First off: RULES.

1. The Originator of the challenge may win his/her own challenge by putting up a winning picture after THREE days, then picking a new challenge.

2. If a Challenge is not met within ONE WEEK, then the challenge originator may come up with a new challenge.

And "Challenges involving other people" are not allowed, so this most recent challenge isnt even legal.


Frequent Blogger
Ok... well sry for the illegal challenge which seems to be harder to win than I thought....

New Challenge: Your integra ALL covered up in soap foam (taking a bath)

If no one can get this by tommorow afternoon then I will WIN again... my car is dusty as shit!... I parked under a tree and then it rained yesterday....



Well-Known Member
1. The Originator of the challenge may win his/her own challenge by putting up a winning picture after THREE days, then picking a new challenge.
If no one can get this by tommorow afternoon then I will WIN again... my car is dusty as shit!... I parked under a tree and then it rained yesterday....
:: Cough ::

New Challenge: Your integra ALL covered up in soap foam (taking a bath)
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