over a month ago i posted a thread with a question about a brake problem.i couldnt get any help and since then my da has yet to move.after this next weekend ill have time to get into this problem, but for now id like some the first post i explained how after bout 10 miles of highway driving the front brakes slowly began to engage until they were nearly locked up.after sitiing at work for 8 hours the pressure relieved.not wanting to risk the same problem i drove it home without touching the brake pedal at all.but again the front brakes slowly engaged.after i got it home i noticed again it was for sure only the front brakes and there was no damage to the rotors or calipers from what i could fact everything seemed to be wife is pressuring me into selling it and buying something new.i get alot of shit for my little honda, but i love it and i want it back on the road.if i have to tear her apart and rebuild her ill do it,but until then some help or any ideas would be cool.sorry for this blob of shit and thanks in advance.