squeaking speedo


New Member
does anyone else have this problem? every now and then my speedo needle will squeak really loudly and it gets really annoying. and just when it gets to the point of driving me crazy it stops. i have lubed speedo cable on numerous occasions. let me know any ideas:evil:


New Member
is that hard to replace or should i let a mechanic do it? not to familiar with tuners. more into muscle cars lol. i love my teggy though lol


New Member
Noisy Speedo...

Replacing the speedometer cable isnt to bad. First, Remove the dash components that hold the gage cluster in place. Remove the containment clip on top of the transmission that holds the speedometer cable in place. This will allow you to pull some slack at the gage cluster. Undo the clip at the gage cluster then you are ready to pull the old cable out. Its attached by a strap that you cant see so youl have to give it a really good tug to dislodge it. Id recomend taping the new cable to the motor side of the old cable so that as you pull the old one out you will pull the new one in at the same time. Otherwise youl have a bi$ch of a time getting the new one fished through the fire wall. Once you have the new one pulled through attach it to the gage cluster then reinstall it back into the dash. Last thing to do is reattach the cable to the tranny and replace the containment clip. Thats it, no more noise!


New Member
thank u guys so much. do any of ur teggys vibrate at highway speeds? not really bad but definitely noticeable


New Member
im talkin like 65+. my teggy takes off quick to but i dont know. just got the tires balanced and aligned but maybe they messed up somewhere