735e32's previous car and car now.


haha, but its cool, i got what you wrote!, and hell yeah man, that road is messed up. lol


New Member
BMW ey, are they really that expensive to replace parts on? I was about to buy a BMW before I saw my teg.. love at first sight (sorry gf)


New Member
oh.. as if "buy a BMW" is linked as advertisement..


BMW ey, are they really that expensive to replace parts on? I was about to buy a BMW before I saw my teg.. love at first sight (sorry gf)
Most people would say a bmw would kill on maintainence, but the prices on parts are almost the same price as parts for any other car, but the thing with bmw's, they have more specialty stuff and need to be taken care of really well, as in the maintainence has to be done properly and on the right times and with the correct stuff. When i say specialty stuff, for example. you cant use green 50/50 coolant for a bmw, there is a special Blue coolant for them, most people will say you can use the 50/50 one, but you shouldnt.

didnt know your car was auto!
yeah, sadly..
thats why im waiting to drop in a motor so i can drop a tranny swap too at the same time.
i needed a car quick, and this is the cleanest with the lowest miles i found.
im happy with it.


Keep It Clean
Heres my car slammed on my new coilovers. lol!

Wish I could slam my car that low for a couple days or so...my coilover sleeves won't allow me too.

I think you're SSS approved..where's Coy! so he can Approve you!

Oh and about it being an automatic...who cares man. The car is looking proper and its better than borowing a car or riding a bus. 'It beats a blank' :thumbs up


New Member
oh man i wasnt hating on you. lol
sometimes i would love to drive an auto cause of traffic! :(

geeez dude how can you drive that over speed bumps..... tooo fucking low!


oh man i wasnt hating on you. lol
sometimes i would love to drive an auto cause of traffic! :(

geeez dude how can you drive that over speed bumps..... tooo fucking low!
Driving angled when you're this low can only help your lip, haha.
but the chassis, and evetything under scrapes like hell. haha


New Member
o shit dude, thats too low man, with my set up i still have like 2 more fingers from my tire to my wheel and i hella scrape.... i hate speed bumps and my sides :(