ha no its not a driveway and no its my other car. rules never said whos car it had to be next to, and the rules dont say you cant use anouther car of yoursHa I was gonna say that it looks lyk a driveway where he took the picture at probably his brothers car....
I vote NO that is if we are voting
Any Objections??
I Wish it was!!!!!!ya its a POS 80k car. lol. hope its not yours!
Rule number 1 states that the pic must be taken after the challenge is picked.....and if you took this pic after then you should of taken one facing the sunHighly doubt this will win but the sun was setting while we were taking these pictures.
No, I was just showing an example, that pic doesnt count. I took it a few weeks ago. Sucks though, because it was such a cool shot.i think we have a winner