seatbelt beeper


Active Member
where exactly is it? cuz that damn beeping is annoying as hell. so i need to cut that wire until i can get seatbelts lol


I was going to suggest you do the smart thing and just wear your seatbelts..but then I finished reading your don't have seatbelts?


Isn't there a wire around your seat somewhere that plugs into the seatbelt area thingy.. ? Can't you just cross them or something to get it to stop? Or is there a fuse for it to pull?

...or you know, just get seatbelts?


New Member
nahh happened to me before on my old teg.

theres a wire sensor below your seats, and hook it up,

it dont matter if you wear your belt that thing gotta be hooked up.

remove seats,
look for the white plug wire thingy, itll be disconnected
connect it. put back seats.


Active Member
hmm. cuz i was listening under my dash and heard it comin from there..cant just pull the wires out of the beeper? and lol yea the best thing would be wear seatbelts. but Acura want like $750. and ive had no luck finding any around here..... hmm.. alright thx paolo ill try that


New Member
yeah, the beep would be over the dash somewhere cause thats where the motor is i think?

uhmm yeah, i picked a whole seet up for 30 bucks. u pick and pull man,

ill try to look for some around my area and ship it to you,


Active Member
yeah, the beep would be over the dash somewhere cause thats where the motor is i think?

uhmm yeah, i picked a whole seet up for 30 bucks. u pick and pull man,

ill try to look for some around my area and ship it to you,
yea its right behind a lil piece of plastic. says seatbelt warning sumthn or other that is nice.
yea pull a part is gooods, they never got DAs over here tho.
thatd be cool man, thanks


New Member
I just disabled this stuff on mine and I can still wear mine normally, just without a chime or the auto seatbelts ever moving from the back position. The control unit for them is behind the passenger side kick panel on the lower right of the passenger floor. The unit has two connectors, and if you pull out and leave out the one towards the rear of the vehicle it disables everything. Very much more enjoyable not getting hit in the nead when it is moving anymore, lol.