Racing Seats


I was wondering if anyone has racing seats installed in their cars...

I might be getting a set of Sparco seats, but i've always seen a bar welded in to the car behind the seats, so the harness' have something to attach to. Is this what everyone is doing for their seats or what? Also seen the harness hook up to the rear seat belts, which seems a little ghetto and unsafe to me..

So what's the correct way to mount these harness' to the car? Just a bar behind the seat or what?

Thanks. :)


Yolo Whippin'
if you want racing seats and a harness bar and a harness YOU NEED a fixed position seat. if you want a reclinable racing seat you just need to bolt them in


What do you need a bucket seat, harness, and harness bar for? Do you race?
Naawww, i'm just a poser. :roll:

Safety reasons. I want to set up this car for racing, not on a strip or anything, but just something to goof around in. I'm picking up a set of Sparco's for really cheap. They're going in my F350 or the Integra. And if they go in the Integra I want them to actually be safe. If I can't figure out a good way to set them up then I won't bother, my F350 probably has a better chance of rolling over anyways, since I can park the integra under it. :twisted:

You've got the right idea: I probably DON'T need them. But I like them, and it wouldn't hurt to be a little safer.

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Do you have pictures or anything?
I <3 Pictures!

Another big reason I want to do this is because I HATE the automatic sliding seat belt. I want a normal one or a harness.


Raceline USA
you can bolt the harness behind the rear seats
This is true, but if you were to roll your car and if you're upside down, you'll be trapped. This is why it is recommended that you install a harness bar along with the harness.


New Member
seeing that there's thread about this i got my bucket seat for my DA going to use my own brackets and modify them.. just don't wanna put them in till i get harness and harness bar anyone got pics, cuz we all know we all love pics


I was thinking of building a harness bar to bolt in behind the seats. I don't know though, i'd just hate to lose complete access to my rear seats.

Oh and djh1991, cigarettes are bad for you. :p