How do you lower the lumbar adjustment, Please Help!!


New Member
I know this is a stupid question but my friend was screwing around with my lumber bar support leaver and now its sticking out alot. It's killing my back and I don't know how to make it go back in. If you could help me out that would be great!

Thank you.


Active Member
mess around with the lever, either pump it front or rear. It will 'deflate' or settle down to level 1.


Active Member
gimme a second ima go outside and check it out on my car.


Active Member
There's 3 levels. Each level gets stiffer as you pump it. Last level - highest rate of breaking your back (super stiff) If I pump the level again, it goes downwards. Then when I get to lvl 1 it resets and goes up. Its sorta like when your on guard and you punch a sand bag. You have to stretch your arm to get further but after that you have to bring it back, In this case it gets stiffer than softer. If its not getting softer, then I don't know what else to say bro :T Maybee take the lever apart and examine it? its your call.
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New Member
K ill go out and try it
Thank you so much!!
