New Member
My car is beat up really bad but not bad for 650 lol third car and my first project car
^ i was thinking the same. If i'd have to guess, considering the price id say over 200k.welcome to ci. not too bad. how many miles are on it?
wow what a deal. good luck with this project and i think your talking about that trunk panel whatever its called xD.actually its got 129xxx miles the guy thought it was blown but i know a little about cars and knew it was a fuel injector tomorrow morning im rebuilding the tranny but besides that its my first project car, i have already ordered stock hood and bumper primered trying to fnid a door to buy and then im wantnig to do somrthgni speacil in my trunk like a floor look for the trunk and my sub and amp to sit in back on it u know looking koo also i dont know what they are called but they are usually n all integras in the trunk something that sits on top.
springfield what?anyone know how easy it would be to find a used door i cant find any in springfield, and this car im mainly going to looks and audio and shocks etc not speed