94 JDM w/B2 Style Kit


New Member
So far I've been working on the Extrior and Interior.. My LS Motor still runs great waiting for it to die then will do a swap..



I Love My Toyota.
welcome to CI. the kit is a little too aggressive for my taste but to each their own. wet sand those headlights with 800 and 1000 grit sand paper and then polish them with any car polish or even tooth paste with a high speed buffer to bring them back to life.

took me less then 10mins a headlight. :)


Fat guy in a little 'teg
Not my cup of tea but :welcome:


Fat guy in a little 'teg
yum shrimp fried rice :) just kidding. welcome to ci
:rolf: I was kinda thinking the same thing but I'm in a good mood today so I didn't say anything haha


New Member
Thank for the warm welcome....

thanks for the headlight advice as well.. will def. do that..

I'm really surprise that some held back on the "RICE" comments..:) I'm just saving some $$ then I'll get the right bumper for it... It is a bit, well a lot a "rice" in the car..

Once again.. thanks and glad I joined in..