Slo_Teggy's Slo Teggy


Slow Driver
Hey. I'm new to this site. I live in Ontario, Canada so I can only drive my car a few months out of the year. The local car forums and other forums that claim to be some kind of "team" for the Integras have really been lacking these days. Anytime I ask any question on that "team" site (I think you know what I'm talking about), my thread either gets locked or deleted. I hope this site does me better. Well here are a few pictures of my car. Not the best pictures as I'm not even close to being a photographer but it's fun.

(my car with the old rims)

I have more pictures but this is all I'm going to post for now. I have big plans for the future with this car. I hope you can help me and I can help you when needed.


New Member
mm i'm loving the gold slips on the black.
you'll definitely love this site, everyone here is real chill.
if you need something, just ask. :)


Slow Driver
Sweet thanks!! I'm always doing little projects here and there. I have a few things done to my car right now. I'm really obsessed with weight reduction. It's completely gutted from the back of the front seats back.

Here is a picture I took with my cell phone a while ago. Bad quality and I'm starting to paint it all but you get the idea.


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Slow Driver
and you guys and gals will probably see a lot of me as I'm on a computer all day and usually bored. I try and help as much as possible. That is all.


Slow Driver
TI does suck. Such a waste of time. Thanks though. There is a few things I'm going to be doing to it. I'm not one to talk about "what I'm going to do one day," I'd rather do it and take pictures and make a build thread or something. I'll probably make a build thread and keep updating it. I really enjoy seeing those threads on sites so I may as well do it too. I'm not rich as I am Canadian, but I do what I can.
