???What's The Best Way To CLEAN Cloth Interior ????????


New Member
Please anyone that knows how to let me know

What items should I Buy?
I was thinking about taking the covers off and throwing them Only in the washer. Has anyone done that before?
Any secrets to cleaning them? just let me know
Anything helps?

My goal is to make them look brand new.

Thanks I appreciate it


Well-Known Member
I shampoo'd mine. Took my seats and carpet out. Got a brush, with a bucket of hot (which became warm then cold fairly quickly) with some woolite in it. Scrubbed it down, shop vac'd it as dry as possible, and let it air dry the rest before putting them back in.


New Member
you can take you carpet and flor mats to the car wash and pressure wash them and WATCH HOW MUCH DIRT comes off!!! and obviously let it dry completely before you put it back in and yes ive takin the seat covers off and put them in the washing machine COLD!!!! you dont want them to shrink at all, wont go back on easy!


Well-Known Member
It is called "Shampooing" your interior. You dont actually use shampoo. I used Woolite laundry detergent, as Chris so kindly pointed out. ;)


New Member
The Publisher at Grassroots Motorsports magazine yanked the seats out of his beater Miata and pressure washed them - the assembled seats and all.

The results were amazing - the nasty dirt that came off was scary!

Let them dry thoroughly.

Carpeting can be done the same way. Which is a good idea - it holds a large percentage of the nasty interior odor.