Nighthawk 2.0


Goes Vroom in the Night
What's up fellas. Been workin my ass off to get a few new goodies for the car. Gave her a major makeover. 8) Everything is authentic :). Wiper plug should be here this week...can't wait to ditch the rear wiper and clean up the rear a bit.

Can't wait till spring to put the Volk's back on though. I like these wheels but the Time Attacks are gonna look bananas.

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Just call me chris.
looks awesome. but be careful with that snow plow on the front with heavy snow.
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thats sweet dude i was wondering why u had dissapeared lol what up dude nice to see u back


Fat guy in a little 'teg
Welcome back! I usually don't like over-the-top aero on an Integra, but I'll make an exception on this one cuz it looks like TEH SECKS. The only thing I'd change is the front spoiler; it's too pointy for my tastes.