DB7 Desert Metallic Mist TEG


New Member
woo update
new toys =P

polished out the beaks bar myself =P
i no beaks bar dont do anything when you have an asr subframe, but i dont care i love it lol


BBHG.. one love.
wow that set up looks awesome. polished beaks bar ftw


New Member
hawt! i love the new toys

you should sell me your beaks bar :)
LOl maybe when im done with it =P

wow that set up looks awesome. polished beaks bar ftw
thank you sir =P

check your lca bushing in like 6 months
yyyup i no, heard that blox LCA blushings arent that good.. but that only happened to some people so i took the chance Lol
i dont take the teg out much anyways, so maybe it will last longer. we'll see we'll see