99sil-teg's 94 GSR Build Thread


insane user
oil leak ey? looky around ur oil pan/ oil filter. check around ur dizzy/vtech solenoid. shouldnt be hard to find.


Jointhe Wingless Movement
yeah we think its the cam seal, we are gunna change it when i get my vc and clean the motor up and see if the leakin stops


New Member
My cam seal is leaking also. I feel ya bro. Im too lazy to fix it tho. Just monitor your oil levels. Looking good so far man!


You know you wouldn't have a oil leak issue with b18b ;) haha

Its most likely one of the causes mentioned above,My bet on vtec soleniod.


Jointhe Wingless Movement
lol are they pretty easy to change out? Maybe I'll do both of the seals on the left when I have the vc off


Jointhe Wingless Movement
vtec solonoid is just a gasket i think
but you just need a flat head and pull it out
I'm going to have to pull my service manual out so I can see what ur talking about lol, So basically I should replace both seals, one goes where the vtec solonoid is and the other is where the dizzy is.. correct?