little integra run/meet


thats right.
So me and a few of my new teg buddies decided to do a little run up a mountian in phoenix... Here's the pics and 2 vids enjoy...
Sorry bout the pics they were taken with my crappy little $40 walmart point and shoot :(

the offroader

Dont let em get away from you tvo

So as we were driving up the mountain one of the guys understeered and went off the road and somehow jumped a huge rock and effed up the left side of his car and tore off his sideskirt we call it "Tvo's rock crawling integra adventure" :drive: hahaha

The damn boulder he SOMEHOW got over lol vvvv



thats right.
:crazy: Because the oil pan is on the driver side.

Triplets lol. 94-97 front holding down the fort. Looks good.

Thanks thats mine 8)
Yeah tvo's maroon one was the ugly duckling lol... Btw the middle white one is a type r :drool: u can kinda see the difference in the shade of white