Yea Jim, dont want to drive it until the P/S is working. Ive heard bad things about running it open instead of filled and capped, or a manual rack. Granted thats over a long period, I still dont want to create more issues.
More Pictures. Engine made its way into the bay today. Motor mounts bolted up, Tranny is bolted to the block. A/C compressor and P/S pump attached. Hooking up the harness and putting the radiator back in will come next.
Unfortunately I bought a new gasket for my header-cat that doesnt fit. Silly me didnt think about having a non-stock header with a larger diameter would need a different gasket than OEM. :???: I guess I will have a few things to sell...
Cams in
Timing belt on
Oh... She wants to go home...
Brother-in-law and I dropping the motor in, making sure the clutch mates with the tranny properly