Yolo Whippin'
Block: B18C1
Head: B18C1
Parts Aquired:
ARP Head Studs
ARP Rod Bolts
ARP Main Studs
ARP Balancing Bolt
ACL Race Main Bearing
ACL Race Rod Bearing
ACL Thrust Washer
Skunk2 Cam Seal
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something like that. lets say ive been spending some time here cool! but you gonna start getting parts for the motor now? like cams and what not
just trying to tickle your wedding veggies until its 100%Ur putting in a broken vc??? :what:
Lolsomething like that. lets say ive been spending some time here
just trying to tickle your wedding veggies until its 100%
bitch...and the likelyhood of eveyone looking over it unlikelythats a gsr cover
el ooh am teh manbitch...and the likelyhood of eveyone looking over it unlikely