raped by a bb gun?


New Member
so i have a dent on my hood a little one and on both sides of my car it looks like i got owned by a bb gun but no paint chipping how much do you think it'll cost to get each dent out? i heard each dent is 20 bucks but htese are really really tiny....i have a budget but its not that small since i work please help me out...and if there is a place that you know in orange county/ los angeles hook it up ;) please and thank you for helping out this noob


Goes Vroom in the Night
Probably used plastic bb's instead of the copper ones. The plastic ones aren't strong enough to chip the paint but could still dent the metal.


Raceline USA
You should probably try to call some body shops and ask for some quotes.


New Member
no there is only one small dent on my hood but the side doors are like 7 dents each all near one spot....:(


New Member
nahh im not down to repaint....if anything i'd repaint the car the same color with a high price...i only do high quality paint jobs its just from experience and when im done w/ everything that might be an option


New Member
Wow. You're a drama queen if I ever saw one. If your subject title had actually happened, I'm pretty sure the last thing you'd be concerned about would be your car. Simply stating that some moron had pelted your car would have sufficed.

BTW, I'm not an Integra owner. I just happened to find this thread among the results of a google search for "my bb gun". Amazing what's out there.


New Member
Wow. You're a drama queen if I ever saw one. If your subject title had actually happened, I'm pretty sure the last thing you'd be concerned about would be your car. Simply stating that some moron had pelted your car would have sufficed.

BTW, I'm not an Integra owner. I just happened to find this thread among the results of a google search for "my bb gun". Amazing what's out there.