Pikes Peak Ford Fiesta Video


New Member
Sounded like the tires were rubbing? Cuz it only really made that noise when it turned.

That noise is a definitely the compressor by pass(aka bov). Notice how right after you hear it the turbo spools again, you hear it whenever he lets off the accelerator, and you don't hear it during spool up? If it were the tires rubbing you'd hear it at spool up at some point. It just sounds different depending on the boost pressure it's releasing. That was one fast spooling turbo too.


New Member
Hahaha yeah it is the BOV, i've had a few turbo'd cars and to me if your BOV is whistling then it's not opening fast enough, I'm sure you all heard some of these turbo cars out there that whisltes. A good BOV is one that dumps really quick and sounds like it's farting lol'z seriously.... BtW that focus is MONSTA 800bhp dayum...


94' LS
yeah 800bhp outta a 2.0L; why don't you guys have this kinda powa in the Teggs? and thats a pretty big Fn turbo to be makin all that noise, esp. to boost that amount of hp...