is this my turbo causing this??


I <3 Boost
i have a 99 integra gs and i have a turbonetics t3/t4 turbo pushing around 10psi

it will drive great and is really fast until i drive it for awhile and it starts hesitating and jerking and running poorly...if i shut it off and let it sit for will run great again and than repeat

my car is also running kind of rich, if this could relate to the problem

i just replaced cap and rotor and cleaned spark plugs

i can think of a few things that might be wrong

bad o2 sensor, bad fuel pump,clogged injectors,bad spark plugs, or it just needs re-tuned

please help me out you guys



I <3 Boost
so basically i just need to go get it dyno tuned again??


I <3 Boost
so you still don't even know what its running on?

ECU tuning or an AFC or at least an FMU?

no i have no idea where or how the guy before me dyno and tuned it..he gave me a name of the place that did it but i cant remember..its really frustrating me.

wheres the ecu located on a 99 teg gs,...i looked under the passenger side dash and cant find it...someone told me i could find out what kind of tuning i have if i popped open the box