running lights


Keep on Truckin
step one... buy clean turn signals... step 2... remove 2 screws holeing lights in place... step 3... replace lights with clear ones... step 4... kill yourslef for not searching very hard or even taking the time to look at your car and figure out how to do it yourself...


New Member
really? holy shit... can a mod please close this thread... if someone isnt even going to try they dont deserve to get help
hey my bad dude i was looking on ebay i was just wondering if i could get them at the local shucks or a auto store i was looking on ebay i jsut didnt know they were called corner lights i always called them running lights and nothing showed up.


Keep on Truckin
sorry.. didnt mean to explode... jsut didnt look like you were willing to do anything to get your answers. i have been having a bad week... i swear im not a total ass
