Clean Da9!!


New Member
Looks pretty clean, although I've never been a fan of those headlights.
And I vote you paint the carbon fibre, or at least the fenders and I think your gas door is CF as well?
Just looks..unfinished I guess you could say.

Other than that, I wanna see more pics! :)

Pede's DA9

Pede's DA9
im painting the fenders black as soon as i get my side markers in, and yeah i really do need a lip bad! itll make the car look more lowered! to many pot holes where im at so!! as far as motor work done! i have a Frankenstein setup! but in a few week im dropping my t61 turbo! should be getting 500 to wheels hopefully! thxs for the comments. yeah im also changing those headlights!!!
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Love the car and the fact that it's not slammed like 99% of Hondas.So its actually functional. And for the Cf front..I like it. The wheels not soo much..Too many people rock them.

Pede's DA9

Pede's DA9
Love the car and the fact that it's not slammed like 99% of Hondas.So its actually functional. And for the Cf front..I like it. The wheels not soo much..Too many people rock them.
thxs, thats what i say about 99% hondas are slammed! on for car shows ill lower it a lil more! thats why you have to love them adjustable's, i like the CF front but im gonna painting them black but if you get really close to them you should still be able to see the C/F! my boy did it to his s2000.


New Member
all it needs now is a carbon fiber trunk oh who has one for sale you ask? i do i do and in perfect condition with a great price lol its a really clean car i've had 2 in my life time hit me up about the trunk though..