Need Photochop, pic inside


New Member
looks real nice, IMO I would keep the chrome, and lower the front a bit more, but thats just me, that red is hotttttttttt


Well-Known Member

Very difficult to select the image with so much glare. Hope this is good enough, I is trial user photoshop noob


BBS wanted
That's great, thanks just wanted an idea of it, wanted it with a little more rake in the front but thats fine


Well-Known Member
I just cut out the body and lowered it. its relative to how tall it was in the front/back from the original. I can try to rotate it a bit if you like, so the front isnt so high.

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BBS wanted
I just cut out the body and lowered it. its relative to how tall it was in the front/back from the original. I can try to rotate it a bit if you like, so the front isnt so high.
Yeah that would be cool
