Some shoot's I've done


nothing from nowhere
i wish i could take pics, very very nice, K swap hatch ftw.


New Member
And since I don't feel like getting flamed for being an ass, here are my reasons why they could be better:

1. Composition. In most it's flat out boring. Cars are dead centre in the frame in quite a few. The rule of thirds is such a ridiculously easy way to give your photos a more engaging and interesting look to them.
Also, this might be just me, but most of the time, I hate it when pictures are tilted at a 45 degree angle.
And try playing around with the DoF in some of them to give your subjects more of a focus. I haven't checked what camera/settings you used, but I have a feeling that tells me you shot in auto mode.
Horizon in windmill picture is also crooked.

2. Some of the subjects are also downright boring. GPS? Bell thing? Boring.

3. Editing is horrendous. Selective colouring? No thank you, we aren't in grade 9. And in the first one of the smart car (you know, the one at a 45 degree angle), it's stupidly obvious to see where you basically "painted" the sky blue.

4. Watch your exposure. The sky in the picture with the EK on what looks like BBS' is horribly blown out.
I'm also guessing it was in the one with the smart car since you painted it blue and you can kind of tell through the trees.

Those are just a few things to watch out for.
I'm not attacking your work or yourself personally, just trying to help you out as I've known guys who started out taking pictures just like this and they've grown and developed their skills and take amazing quality photos now, that people are starting to pay for.
Not saying you want to get that into it THAT much, as photography is an expensive hobby, in some cases more so than cars, but it's just something to keep in mind.

If you want I can give you the links to the flickr accounts of 2 of these guys, just send me a pm, I don't want to post them here and jack your thread.
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