wideband FTW!
Narrowbands are not really good for anything except they put on a decent light show
to at least try to help you with your narrow band gauge....what brand/model is it?
What ECU pin are you tapping into and what are you doing with the ground, +12V, and light wires?
Is there any switches or knobs or anything on it? The narrow bands work off a a simple math formula. The formula could be different depending on the O2 sensor you're hooking it up to. For our cars (0-5V O2 signal wire), the formula is N*2+10 where N is the voltage of the O2 signal wire. Not all A/F guages use this formula. It might have a selector switch for O2 voltage or it might only work with a specific kind of O2 sensor. If it stays green all the time (running rich), measuer the voltage of the O2 signal wire. It should be somewhere between .05 and 2 volts (basically a 10.1:1 up to a 14:1 a/f reading). If it reads within that range and the voltage changes as you rev the engine and drive around then it sounds like the gauge is not working or incorrect for your O2. If it does not read any voltage then you have it hooked up wrong. Make sure you are wiring it to the O2 signal return wire and it doesn't matter if you grab it at the O2 sensor or the ECU or anywhere in between. Hope that helps