new whip, not a teg.


New Member
I know its not a teg but i still love it so far. saving for a DC5 will take a while haha.

Not badd haha.

tore it apart to replace the cluster and the speedo cable..

Me sayin goodbye to the teg..
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New Member
Not too bad. How much you pick it up for?

Got any parts on that teg you wanna sell for cheap? ;)


New Member
sold the teg sorry man. picked it up for 1200. full exhaust, new timing belt, new tires and rims, new paint job, not a bad deal on my side lol.


Raceline USA
Not bad. EH Civics hatchbacks are dope.


New Member
oohhh..I used to have one..showed it at Hotimportnights and got an offer ther at the show and sold it (to much to turn down) ..I loved that car...yes sir love that body style hatch..they have mad potential..KEEP IT AND BUILD IT !!


New Member
yeah thanks for the imput guys, my buddy has a turbo for it, still deciding on what i wanna do to it, any suggestions?


Raceline USA
What's up with the suspension? Why does it seem like the front is lowered, but not the rear?