Cashew is such a great name! I've never heard that before for a dog. Max is a sweetie, he's just always right under your toes and tripping over a huge dog sucks. But I love him.Max kicks ass. Ive had two collies growing up Cashew and Snickers
Thanks! I love it to death. I hate when I see girls driving their tegs and they just don't look nice and it's trashed inside and I'm like "man that sucks". Girls like that give the girls who care a bad rep because no one believes it (it's always "There's no way you're into cars, I don't believe you" and then after much convincing I finally hear "That's really cool that you like cars, most girls don't"). Oh well, I have mine and I treat it like it's my baby and I shouldn't worry about everyone else.What a beautiful shine, man with stock springs you could compete on the monster jam series...haha jk, car looks good, not many girls appreciates cars like that.
looking good.
i like the car too.