All I did was wash the engine................


Apprentice Mechanic
you probably either fried a wire, or popped a fuse.. check the fuses, if not check if your engine like is on, if not then let us know


New Member
with spark, fuel, compr, and timing your engine should start. main relay? you are getting spark on all 4 cyl correct?


New Member
Hey guys thanks for your help, but check this out, a small amount of water got into the dizzy causing something called a "carbon trail" which made the spark or arc to go all over inside the dizzy. I replaced the cap and rotor and my little hot rod fired right up!l


New Member
Hey guys thanks for your help, but check this out, a small amount of water got into the dizzy causing something called a "carbon trail" which made the spark or arc to go all over inside the dizzy. I replaced the cap and rotor and my little hot rod fired right up!l
Nice job man, was the dizzy that bad that you had to replace it?


New Member
I replaced just the cap and rotor. This carbon trail thing was not visible to the naked (!) eye. All the credit goes to my friend Zack. Thank you bro.


New Member
ohh ok i thought you replaced the whole thing haha. well next time you know to cover your dizzy and if you have a cai that too. also it helps to keep it running while your doing it.