Who's Integra


Nastyness.But up here in the Northeast...no way in hell you can drive that low.


New Member
if u can drive in nor cal low u can drive anywhere low^ lol

Mikeyyy is selling the car by the way, and he also has new jlines on it that are full polish and 1 inch wider all around


Mikeyyy is selling the car by the way, and he also has new jlines on it that are full polish and 1 inch wider all around
Gez is he really selling it? IF Greg Leone can get $25,000 for his POS RHD integra , than I wondering how much Mikeyys teg will go for? LMFAO that teg is spotless


New Member
Gez is he really selling it? IF Greg Leone can get $25,000 for his POS RHD integra , than I wondering how much Mikeyys teg will go for? LMFAO that teg is spotless
was that the guy from the mtv show im a street racer?didnt he blow up that motor on the show?


its 10500$

and i like ur sig, i just went to the sickology 101 show on monday
really? im going June 11.. ive seen tech 8 times and meet Tech/ Krizz Kalico 4 times, I cant wait!:twisted:

Thats cheap price IMO..and yea thats the balded headed guy from that mtv..he sold the car on ebay.. lol


I drive a Reject Special
taht teg just doesnt do it fo rme. the height seems so impractical, and wtf is the point of the engine bay being chomed out. i mean seriously.