East Coast Meet In July-august


cheap bastard
I'll help with the coordination of the semi-northern crew. I thought it would be a good idea for those north of and in MD to all meet up and cruise down there together. I have a few ideas of places we could meet up. I'll do anything I can to help make this happen. Also, the later the better. There is chance I may in FL from mid-June to mid-August. :what:



heyguys thanks for the responses i appriecate all of it. so here is whats up. if you have a crew or friends that u hang with and know how many there are in that group or crew and know how many are coming let me know. if there are crews from the same state i will get those crews together so that you all can coordinate getting together beforeheading this way. that applies for all the up north and down south crew. if you are from down south and are coming to nc before heading to myrtle beach i need to know. this is going to be a massive coordination and i will need as much information as possible. at my hotel there are 93 room. i am also in contact with 3 major hotels in the area. that i can get discounts at. in the porcess of getting rooms ready i need to know numbers. so i hope that we can get this rolling and have good responses. get at me and lets make this happen. getting teggy with it!!!!!!8)


Active Member
im 99% sure u can count me, gurley pants, brice, brandon in this....

that four from our area when are you trying to coordinate this..date wise


im 99% sure u can count me, gurley pants, brice, brandon in this....

that four from our area when are you trying to coordinate this..date wise
and ill be bringing along a few other teg/honda kids with us

and we need to figure this shit out cuz i need to have in for time off as far in advance as possible

crime doesnt get many days off so neither do i....



ok first in need to know is this going to happen in july or august. im thinking august because all of the major events will have happened. ie bike week spring an dsummer break. hotels will be winding down for the summer and theme parks will start to give away cheap or discounted tickets just to make that last run before they start to get ready to close. area hotels tend to drop prices dramatically after 4th of july weekend and the beginning of august is a slow period until schools get back in. give me dates that you come up with your crews and we will plan specifics around the most common dates given. such as up noth crews say july 31-august 6 (just example) andthe down south crews say august 1-8 then we can say plan it for the 1-9 this gives every one a chance to get involved. it looks as though its going to be a good turn out with the resposes so far. im EXCITED!!!


cheap bastard
MD, PA, NY, NJ, MA, CT, DE, WV, VA crew and surronding states...... when are good dates for you all?


cheap bastard
I could do a weekend thing, but a week thing is a little too much. I'd rather use my vacation days for other things like visitng family and stuff (no offense guys) :p


Active Member
yea i agree..i'm just making sure he isnt thinking about making this a wk worth of meets, know what i mean.


yea i agree..i'm just making sure he isnt thinking about making this a wk worth of meets, know what i mean.
i m thinking a 3 day weekend thing. friday through sunday. thats three day of fun in the sun or two days and a day to travel home just depends on how you look at it. lol. so lets get those dates. again im looking at the last week in july first week in august. if that is to soon let me know so i can arrange this. :)


cheap bastard
I'll see what others are saying, but there is a good chance I may be in FL until Aug 15th or so.