Car troubles


93 Integra GS
My car started to make some weird noises today and when I pulled into my driveway it sort of sounded like fluid squirting out of something for about 30 seconds or so and then it changed into a squel/grind kinda like a belt squeaking. I checked the belts and it didn't seem like anything was wrong. After listening closer It sounded like the noise was coming from around the distributor. When I took of the distributor cap, I noticed a lot of brown dust all over the inside of the cap and on the rotor (which is all black). I am thinking maybe a bearing might be bad, but that is just a guess. any help would be great.


cheap bastard
Usually when they go, the shaft starts to wobble to the point that it destroys the CYP and CKP sensors along with putting some nasty grooves into the contacts on the cap. If you think it's starting to go bad, you're better off just replacing it.


93 Integra GS
what part do you think needs to be replaced especially with the brown dust being in there. I had already planned on changing my spark plugs, wires, distributor cap, and rotor when I went to put my painted valve cover on. So what other parts would cause the brown dust? If its to tough to tell I may just take it to the shop and have them check it out.


cheap bastard
just what I said... the CYP and CKP sensors 8)


93 Integra GS
yeah, the brown and red dust is the bearing in the dizzy going bad
how hard is it to change the bearing. Is it something any reasonable person can fix or do you recommend me taking it to the shop? also if i should fix it are there any special tools needed?


93 Integra GS
I just found this in my searches. do you think it applys to me. I know the 6 years has passed but I got new rotors put on my jeep even after the warranty date was up but because it was inside the 100,000 they said they would do it anyways.


cheap bastard
I doubt they would replace it, but it never hurts to ask!

As for replacing just the bearing, if there's a decent amount of dust inside the capthen the damage has already been done to other parts of the dizzy and it's only a matter of time until you start having problems with them. Replacing just the bearing might not do you any good at this point. :(


93 Integra GS
I doubt they would replace it, but it never hurts to ask!

As for replacing just the bearing, if there's a decent amount of dust inside the capthen the damage has already been done to other parts of the dizzy and it's only a matter of time until you start having problems with them. Replacing just the bearing might not do you any good at this point. :(
yeah I was surprised when chrysler changed my rotors, I thought they would have said no since the 7 years had been up but they said ok because it was under the 100000. I think I'll try calling the acura dealership to see tomorrow. If they say no I guess I will just take it to the shop instead of messing with it myself.


93 Integra GS
So I took it to the shop and found out the whole distributor is bad. they want 760 to fix it. So I'm making a junkyard run tomorrow instead to hopefully get one there
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