Im pretty sure there is more to it than that. The insurance agents wouldnt ask if it had an alarm system installed if that wasnt included in the rate rates all depends on your records and your age, if you are married and over 25, it's a bit lower but not much and i think depends on where you live too!
Well hell, I got a almost $4000 motor for $700, so anything's possible way a type r for 2700... but welcome! im from VA too. acura/hondas are really easy to work on. there are so many forums for any problem you have.. ive learned a bunch from local forums ( and team-integra, honda-tech, nwp4life, and of course... clubintegragood luck with your.. er.. type r?? if its for real, thats a hell of a deal. doesnt make sense though :/
because all the little teenagers go, "Oh, Shit! VTEC just kicked in Yo!" And go sliding off the road.ya the gsr has higher insurance because it has vtec. idk why but almost all insurance companies will make you pay more for insurance because of vtec! but an LS would be just fine just turbo itoh and welcome!