Hazard question


New Member
I have been looking around on this site/google and no luck.
Question is ..
My turn signals work perfect but my hazards dont work what could it be. I replaced the switch so idk.
Thanks, any input is needed


New Member
The flasher unit for the hazards is usually separate than the one needed for the blinkers, try replacing the flasher unit


New Member
I'm not sure where it is located on the '91, but i can research it later on today if i get a chance


New Member
I'm not sure where it is located on the '91, but i can research it later on today if i get a chance
i tried to, more than likey im gunna just a Haynes or Chilton today.

But thanks for the help


New Member
the turn signal and hazards use the same relay.

you can check the main underhood fuse box for the hazard fuse... it should be a 10A fuse.


New Member
Same problem

Hi I was just wondering if anyone found the solution because I've had this problem for a while... i bought new switch but that was not the answer, help me please