

Hi from oHIo
I usually don't heel-toe, and with good synchros i don't double clutch. I have a tendancy to cheat a bit. If im in a hurry (driving hard) i do a no-no and use my left foot to tap the brake after downshifting if i still need to scrub speed. If i'm not coming to a full stop, right foot stays playing the throttle.


Yolo Whippin'
its the esiest on the straights, but not on curves, i found it hard to get the propor breaking before the corner


Hi from oHIo
after driving around a bit today, i have come to the conclusion there is no way for me to heel/toe in my teg. My foot is way to big. i can left/right my right foot on both brake and gas using the ball of my foot. i don't have to move my foot hardly at all to switch between either pedal so its pretty much a moot point for me.