Practiced Panning shots....


New Member
Mavrick that looks more like a rolling shot rather then a panning shot.
your right lol I just wanted to post that pic as an example of the motion blur filter in photoshop haha you can take a pic while standing still and the car can be moving but no background blur to show speed and just add it in later in PS. theres alot of photographers who hate using photoshop and prefer to do it the real way, but Its just more fun for me playin in photoshop haha. heres an image that I got off of flickr and gave the panning effect in photoshop.

if anyone wants it I can write up a tutorial for you. : )


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
Huh... That filter really made a big difference in the picture... it literally went from gay to cool. What did you use to make the blue more "deep"???

heres a couple more practice shots....

edit- if you're wondering wha that blurry little line is going through the pics; I was snapping pics from inside my car, and theres a giant crack...

what you guys think? lol
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