Air Injection.....


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
Was debating between 3rd gen teg section and the FI/nitrous section, and decided on nitrous section....

Okay, heres the lowdown.... My bro is planning to put an air injection system on the Integ..... At first I doubted him and the plan. But a reliable friend starting telling us how it would work, and that he has actually done it to one of his chevy trucks a long time ago. Supposedly, shooting the compressed air from an air tank would be just like if you were boosting with a turbo.

The plan:

Buy an air tank (5 gal) and mount in trunk. Run air line to switch/lever for opening, run air line into an Air Pressure Regulator; which will only allow up to 5psi into the intake, run the line from the APR to a fitting on the SRI 6-inches away from MAP sensor, and direct it towards the TB.

PS- I've got a boost gauge, so I will be alerted of how much psi it is shooting.

Supposedly, we can keep the stock injectors, since I will not be constantly shooting the air into the engine, and because it will be regulated to under 5psi.

Anyway, what's your guys' opinion on doing this? I still think it's pretty bogus, but if it does anything at all, than it wouldn't have been a total waste of money. My buddy said that it would add ONLY 20hp or less. I was like "I'd be glad if it added even just 5-10hp!"


Unregistered User

Don't do it.

Injecting straight air into the cylinder will GREATLY increase internal temperatures and you'll melt shit.

BAD idea. BAD BAD BAD idea.


Sounds like a good way to fuck your shit up over trying to get 20 hp or less like you said. Stick to stuff thats proven to work well and not break or "melt" anything. Just do nitrous and you will probably get more than 20 hp and you wont mess up your motor unless you abuse the button.


Unregistered User
a 50 shot of nitrous shouldn't pop anything either.

Shooting air into the cylinder just isn't a good idea at all


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4

Don't do it.

Injecting straight air into the cylinder will GREATLY increase internal temperatures and you'll melt shit.

BAD idea. BAD BAD BAD idea.
Really? Even just a little air; like less than 5psi? All it's doing is shooting compressed air into the intake pipe, just like a turbo does... Only he will only do it hardly ever. Only once in a blue moon will he actually need the air...

What if he upgraded to forged pistons, and upgraded valvetrain?


Unregistered User
shooting 5psi of compressed air into the intake tube won't do anything for you then... if you put it into the plenum it might do something, but yeah, that's un-metered air being brought into the system. Not enough fuel to keep up with the air = a super lean mixture and very VERY high temperatures in the combustion chamber.

You can upgrade all that, but it'll still melt your plugs if it doesn't melt anything else.

and if he's willing to upgrade to forged internals, why is he against an actual turbo or super charger?
again, Nitrous would even be cheaper then all that.


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
shooting 5psi of compressed air into the intake tube won't do anything for you then... if you put it into the plenum it might do something, but yeah, that's un-metered air being brought into the system. Not enough fuel to keep up with the air = a super lean mixture and very VERY high temperatures in the combustion chamber.

and if he's willing to upgrade to forged internals, why is he against an actual turbo or super charger?
again, Nitrous would even be cheaper then all that.
Well, yeah, it needs to be shoot into the intake before the MAP sensor, so it will read the more air coming in and compensate with the fuel, right? If you shot it directly into the IM, than yes, it would be un-metered air, and the ECU wouldn't know to add more fuel.

We aren't against turbo / S/C, he's got a Integra turbokit laying in the garage LOL..... All we'd need is injectors, a boost controller, and a Hondata so it could be tuned. But we decided against turbo because of various reasons. Just looking for a mild buid. Nitrous does horrible things to your engine too, i've seen way to many a Honda shooting blue/black smoke out the exhaust thanks to nitrous. I've even seen it shoot a smoke screen of black smoke at my car! Some fool with a all dragged-out civic hatch sprayed past me after I missed 3rd on teh strip.

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Unregistered User
yes, before the map would help, but it jsut doesn't sound like a good idea to me.

THen again, putting a huge turbine onto an enigne that used exhaust gasses to throw pounds and pounds of positive pressure into a cylinder also didn't sound like a good idea probably when it was first brought up. who knows?

If you go about everything right, and make sure that you're not burning too hot in the cylinder, it could work. pull timing a little and add some gas and you might be fine.


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
Yeah, definately running premium 91 octane, and maybe even some octane booster to use 94-97 octane.... And by pull timing, you mean retard it right? We've advanced it once before, but never noticed a gain in power. Which way are you supposed to turn the distributor? We turned it towards the rear of the car.

Like I said before, he'd rarely use the injection, only for when we head down to the track again in a couple weeks, so I think he'd be fine. As long as he doesn't go around town shooting it in after every stoplight.... Maybe only once and then let the car rest and cool down.


Unregistered User
well letting it cool down isn't going to be the problem, it's if you dump the air in, then you get super hot temperatures from the lean mixture is what'll do your damage.

and yeah, retard the timing. not sure what way you turn the distributor tho.


New Member
i can't believe this has even been a topic of conversation. So your going to put "5psi" into your intake? Have you ever felt 5 psi from a air tank before? It's absolutely nothing. 5psi from an air tank is not even close to the same as 5psi from a turbo lol. even if you put 90 psi from this air tank into your "short ram intake" where is the air going to go? Some will flow into the engine while disrupting turbulence from the engine breathing in air while the rest will just exit the filter of the intake lol. Second of all doing anything pre-map sensor like this while keeping everything stock really does nothing. Even if it was enough to make the map sensor compensate it will only compensate so much....but 5psi of air pressure from a tank will do NOTHING except rob you of power and add weight to your car. Buy one of those E-Superchargers off ebay for 70 bucks, you might have more luck than this...but not much...

p.s. this thread should be locked and burned in hell forever for how ridiculous it is.
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New Member
that's what i had pictured in my head... shooting air into ur intake pipe and having it shoot out of the filter...


Unregistered User
he said it wasn't going to be put into the intake pipe. It was going after the TB. did either of you read any of the conversation had in the thread?


New Member
Was debating between 3rd gen teg section and the FI/nitrous section, and decided on nitrous section....

Buy an air tank (5 gal) and mount in trunk. Run air line to switch/lever for opening, run air line into an Air Pressure Regulator; which will only allow up to 5psi into the intake, run the line from the APR to a fitting on the SRI 6-inches away from MAP sensor, and direct it towards the TB.
Sounds like he wants to put it in the intake pipe to me. Putting it into the manifold would do nothing either.

This thread is redonk lol


90 EF LS/V 95 DC4
Well we attempted it and it blew the headgasket because it shot over 15psi..............................

Just Kidding. :lol:

But we did try it. But we ran into a few kinks. We got it all installed but it was leaking whenever we hit the switch, and we used the wrong tip. It needs a fine-hole (small) tip to compress the air, but it's got a big-hole "barell". So we need to fix all the leaks and machine up a fine-tipped barell.

When we first got it in there, it worked a little, it was barely "boosting" like 1/2 a psi, but it was noticeable in the power department... It was right after it rained, so we were getting wheelspin through 1st, 2nd, and 1/2 of 3rd gear, so it was hard to judge the speed; but it pulled a little harder when we hit it in 3rd.

Oh and yeah we found out about the shooting 5psi part..... We gotta use the pressure regulator to shoot whatever psi into the intake that will boost the IM pressure up to ~5psi pretty much. 5psi on the regulator isn't even enough pressure to activate the switch LOL.....

Well, once we get all the kinks worked out, i'll update everyone on how it works out. If it doesn't even add power, meh, what the hell it worth a try LOL, barely spent any money on the setup.
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