Shawano Lapping Day: 10.12.2008 (video)


07 BMW 328Xi
nice editing, better quality than anything ive seen in awhile. and syncing the song with certain situations was pretty neat.

your moves make you sped. ha.


Unregistered User
lol, dude... Don't hate on the midget... He's bomb as hell. lol

Thanks... wasn't sure how it was going to turn out for being my first attempt, but I'm happy with it.


07 BMW 328Xi
i was talking about you in the car. but id love to jump over a midget, how many times can you say that in your life? lol.


Unregistered User
I didn't race my car. lol

The in car video is my buddy's 6th gen hatch and a 07 SI


07 BMW 328Xi
ahh yes i wanna know about that too! was he there to file some reports for collisions that happened? lol! and did he run the course too? that would be fun as hell to outrun a cop.


Unregistered User
lol, actually, that was someone's car.. not an actual cop car, but a ford modified to look like one. loL!

He was running the course, then in between his times to run he'd sit on the straight away and shoot radar to let people know how fast the cars were getting up to. It was pretty decked out. haha

Then would randomly pull out after cars and put his lights on. I thought it was really funny.