*Anything Goes* Version 8.5

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07 BMW 328Xi
whoot beer pong tourney saturday night at friends house as well! finally for once we can keep record of who's the top guns.


ONLY couches pull out!!!!
Sparks is NOT a bitch drink... You have have a good day on that stuff. lol
im sorry i almost throw up my spine everytime i drink it........too fucking sweet.

drink a real beer.

heineken, new castle, killians....etc.....grow some balls....get back at me.

Ominous G2

not a big Heineken fan, Becks is good. Have you tried Spaten? It's a German malt liquor...fucks you up out of nowhere.


Unregistered User
wait wait wait wait....

can't keep the alcohol down, but you're telling me to grow come balls? come on buddy...

honestly, I can tank almost anything. Don't get me wrong, I'm no Tank tank, I get drunk, but I've yet to lose anything I've taken in, no matter the order.


07 BMW 328Xi
well us asians dont really use liquor as a source of beer pong substitute. and that is true, grey goose isnt that hard as they say. its the vodka label that scares everyone i suppose. but how do hang with bacardi 151 or gosling rum. that stuff burns you a new asshole.
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