Car Impounded


New Member
Well i was a frikn idiot i took my car out of my driveway uninsured not registered no license and im only 15 a i went around adead corner and there was a car on the side so i had to go around and wen i went around the corner there was a car coming at me so i swirved into this guys yard it got towed and i had to go to police station since i wasa minor and tommorow ima go to the tow company see whats with that how much you think the perday storage is gonna cost in new york, mickeys towing please write back asap thanks alot wish me luck yall hopefully its not alot i fucked up big time now..


I <3 2.4l's
towing fees can add up quick..around here its usually $65 just for them to hook the car up to the truck.


New Member
Well today was a long ass day for me i went to mickeys towing talked to them they said i need a release so i went to pd (police department) and talked to them for a bit got a realease form then went back to mickeys paid 400 something for the 3 days and everything it was there which i was suprised i got it back already i thought you had to wait 30 days but ok well i now have it back and i didnt get no tickets for no license or ne thing because of my dad talked to them and now i just have to go to a probation office and see what happens but now its time to start workin on my car b4 its on the road :). o and it was 65 dollars a day perday storage like they overcharge way to much but w.e


Second Glance
you my friend got lucky. you were on the path to working on your car for the next six years before you got to drive it. Around me you are not eligible for a license until your 21 if you get caught driving at your age.



teg driver
well learn from this lesson... and as stated above... most people dont get their license until they are 21 if they pull some shit like that... but please be careful from now on and dont mess up that car. they are priceless cars... but most of all wait till you turn 16 to drive it on the street.


New Member
Yes i deff learned my lesson on that whole situation this car will not eave my driveway under no cicumstances cuz i tohught bout it after and i really hav like a month b4 i can drive so i don twanna fuck that up. but yea i guess i am lucky cuz my dad but i might still have to get probation or something wel see sept 12


New Member
Well today was a long ass day for me i went to mickeys towing talked to them they said i need a release so i went to pd (police department) and talked to them for a bit got a realease form then went back to mickeys paid 400 something for the 3 days and everything it was there which i was suprised i got it back already i thought you had to wait 30 days but ok well i now have it back and i didnt get no tickets for no license or ne thing because of my dad talked to them and now i just have to go to a probation office and see what happens but now its time to start workin on my car b4 its on the road :). o and it was 65 dollars a day perday storage like they overcharge way to much but w.e
glad you got it back. keep that shiet on the driveway until you got your license and insurance. No need endangering your life and someone else's.. :)


New Member
they may make you wait until you're 18 to get your license now im not 100% sure but thats a possibility.