From Teggy Pants to Maxipad...


Active Member
Well as many know, my DC2 was jacked from my apartment 2weeks prior to getting married (10/26/07..never forget:lol:)



so i moved on to 'bigger and better' things and purchased a 2000 Nissan Maxipad 5 speed..fully stock and dirty as hades..

so with a little cleaning we come up w/ this

after remaining totally stock and w/ a busted looking shift knob..i upgraded to an Anniversary Edition OEM Shift Knob

fastforward a couple of months we move on to HIDs 6k temperature with OEM clear headlights (its ok):roll:

fastforward 4days we get the Anniversary Edition OEM Headlights with HIDs 6k temperature

possible wheel selection after i get the drop on progress springs and illuminas

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Active Member
not going to slam it, but i'm going to lower it..

hopefully when i get mywhole suspension setup ill be sitting like this:

looking for these tails also

what do you think about the mach 1 lip on the maxipad?



Active Member
lol yea i'm not doing the Triple S on the maxipad..its a family car/semi fun car. when i get another teg...consider me part of the Triple S crew lol