HELP!: Perfect alarm for my new teg??


New Member
hey guys im new to the forum and all i need some suggestions for a nice alarm for around $400 for my new teg im around Oakland and i know tegs are hot as hell so i need some suggestions thats


dont believe the hype
i dont have an alarm, but i gotta good ol' clutch lock dats lasted me couple years..planning on buying one soon


My bad. I was just pointing out that DEI makes top notch alarms. But in response to your post..

Clifford FTW!!


New Member
wait are cliffords better or vipers? and how much is lojack usually and is it realli useful?


I ♥ My Integra
its all the same shit clifford, python, viper theyre all made by the same company all having similar features.


IF you want real advice, there really inst such thing asa perfect alarm... if theifts want to steal it they will, my friend trish had over $28,000 invested intoj her teg, she had this for security:
-2 way pager
-relcated battery
-back up battery for siren
- low jack
- 2 fuel cut off( one w/ pager)
- relocated hood release

and her teg was STILL STOLEN!! you can only prevent crimes from happening never fully stop method though would have security cam on your car whereever you park at night and carry a 9MM gun next to you in bed lmao


Man factory alarms are so easy to disable...I hate it. Maybe my car wouldn't have been broken into before it was stolen if I had anything other than a factory alarm.

You want a good security feature? One word.
