Got beaten badly by a damn Pontiac GTO ^_^


New Member
do tell do tell.....
im in my GSR and he was in GTO @ red light. The light turns green i take off and head towards a 2 to 1 lane merge onto the freeway. I hit redline in 1st then 2nd and hes not by me. i got to the merge and headed onto the freeway first. My buddy was behind me in his Impreza 2.5 and said that the reason the GTO wasnt close was because he was basically sideways in the intersection smoking the tires. I LOL'd


Undercover mod
Beat a 5.7 on a highway run, eh nothing special if you have a teg with power to compete. most around here are 13.3-13.5


No turbo, no problem.
depends on the year, the old ones are 5.7, but the new ones have the LS6 and go 0-60 in 4.2. we put a rear mount turbo in one and just as we got it boosting past stock hp numbers, it blew out the #5 piston ring lands. the engines arent made to handle boost.


Undercover mod
there is only a 50hp diffrent from the 6.0 and the 5.7 even the 6.0 stock wont see below 13.0