Different bumpers

Man A

front or back? i would search and put up some pics but im sure you can handle that.

for the rear the difference is - 90-91 the bottom goes straight down, 92-93 has a little lip
for the front the difference is- 90-91 lights are more straigh or flat, 92-93 lights have a curve to them toward the out side

you really gotta search, it should be very easy to find pics

Ominous G2

I will pwn this thread.

Front bumper:
The 92-93 is much flatter in the front, the 90-91 has more of a tucked lower portion. The 90-91 also has removable vents uner the bumper lights. The 90-91 has rectangular bumper lights, 92-93 have a curve and a point on the edge.


Rear: There is one noticable difference with the rear bumper and its under the lisence plate. These pics also show the tail light differences. My 90-91s were cleared.



Not White, Pearl White
Thanks Omi your the man. I just need to decide what will look better. And go with those bumpers. Only reason I'm considering this is because my bumpers are messed up.


New Member
92-93 gets my vote.... i did the swap on my 91

type-r lip also looks better on the 92-93 front bumper.


Not White, Pearl White
O.k. so they only had color match moldings. Is there any other DA/DB bumpers that are different depending on model or is it just the 2 that are different. 90-91 and 92-93.


Not White, Pearl White
Haha because I saw yours at the ohio meet and it looks so much better then my 90-91 bumper lol.


New Member
I cut it out myself.
They also come stock with a small lip... Mine didn't have one. I plan to get the type r lip in the future.