K I REALLY need your help. 1990 LS wont start.


Yeahhhhh Boyyyy
arlight heres the deal... i just bought my 1990 Acura Integra LS 4 door Manual. I've driven it the past few days, and drove Great... then last night, the Distributor started making an Extremely loud squeak. so today i went to my fathers house to have him give me an opinion on what to do about it and he took off the distributor cap and looked at it. it seemed fine, tossed it back on and started the car again. it was still making a loud squeak, wasnt as violent as before but still pretty bad. then we took the cap off again and looked again, tossed it back on and then the car wouldnt start at all, so. we went and bought a new distributor cap and distributor and the spinning thing underneath the cap (cant recall what its called right now) and put it on correctly. tried to start it.. still wouldnt start at all. we looked at the timing belt, it was fine. looked at how the distibutor was on and everything, it was fine... charged the battery, it was fine. checked for spark. had plenty of spark. we checked all the fuses except the fuel managment fuse thing, the black box that you cant really check ya know? so tomorrow im going to buy that and see if its that, other then that does anyone know what it could be??? id REALLY appreciate it if you had some tips or something to help me save some money.... PLEASE REPLY i need the help

Man A

the spining part you cant remember the name for is the rotor. fuel managment fuse ?? you mean the main fuel relay under the steering column? you can check that by opening it up and check the solders. also ive only heard of those being bad in hot days. is the squeeking gone? is the car turning over? try to push start ? lol .......check your ignitor in the distributor. i dunno if you have a new or used distrubutor. since you guys played around with the distributor and the car was running before, you can at least narrow your problem down to ignition. oh did you connect the spark plug wires in the correct firing order?. heres that just in case-

good luck


Yeahhhhh Boyyyy
we have already put a refurbished distributor on. what are you talking about the distributor ignitor? how do i check that? also is there a fuse that could have blown when we had the original (seized) distributor on and took off the cap and tried to turn it over? it wouldnt do a damn thing when we did that. now we have the new one it will do it no problem.. the car is turning over completely fine. we checked timing and Everything like that. we took off the fuel line to the fuel whatever (sorry i dont know what shits called) and it squirted fuel. so fuel is going in there. the car is acting like its not gettin fuel. it seems to be that no fuel is gettin into the engine to try and start ya know?


Unregistered User
firing order is a good idea.. Distrigutor ignitor? wtf is that?

I agree tho, check the wires and make sure they're on right.


New Member
i would also say wires i mean your getting air fuel and spark but if not in the right order it wont fire unless its not getting compression idk just throwing that out there how many miles on the car


Unregistered User
I don't know why it would stop tho... the car was running before you thew a new distributor at it, so I don't think there'd be a freak accident loosing compression on all cylinders, ya know?


Yeahhhhh Boyyyy
yeah all the wiring is on correctly, i personally think the timing is off. a few people think its the fuel managment fuse (whatever its called) but it is getting fuel. take the tube out and turn it over and it squirts.. so its not that i dont think. unless theres something that controls the fuel injectors... not sure if its the same as what shoots gas in... so anyway, all the shit is wired correctly, the new dist. is working fine. theres spark.......... is there a certain trick to timing the b18a1?? anyone have some sort of repair manual they could send me. or tips or whatever? anything will help at this point cause were all at a blank.... what would cause the engine to turn over, but not start. .oh and we also tried push starting it... it just hella bogged down.... didnt even try to run......... so heres it again. took dist cap off. put it on.... it started... took it off again... put it back on.... started again... took it off one more time and turned it over to see if the rotor was spinning, it wasnt spinning.. put the cap on, and spun but then wouldnt start... bought a new dist and dist cap, still wouldnt start...... has fuel , has spark. turns over.... no start.....

Man A

if your rotor is not spinning you have big problems. your exhaust cam spins that rotor. and the timing belt spins the cams. im thinking a seized dist could cause some bad problems if you keep running the car and trying to start it. if you really know what seized is then you would know timing belt was struggling to turn that cam to turn the dist. i remember you said the timing belt was fine. how did you check that? did you take the valve cover off or were you looking at the alt/ps/ac belts?if its not the timing belt, try the ECU.


Yeahhhhh Boyyyy
yea now we have a new dist.. it spins fine... my dad just checked and seen if the timing belt was fucked or not... if there were missing teeth and they were fine. thats what i meant. just with the original seized dist the rotor wouldnt spin... now with the new one its fine. so what are you saying the problem might be??


New Member
Compression is just a guess i mean its cheap and easy to rule out
is it a chance your injectors are bad or plugged fuel rail or not opining but that wouldn’t emplane the rotor not turning

also my dad had a car where the one cam sheared off under the cap so only half was turning when running but it looked mostly fine when the valve cover of the end spinning was clean and shown normal wear the other side had dots of rust on the cam lobe so look for that and if all else fails take the cam out to see

and just a question for Man A doesn’t the intake cam run the distributer

could it be the key way that the distrubuter sits in like that little slot somehow could have sheard or woredown


New Member
huh try to see if car is getting fuel make sure they sold you the right dizzy cap and rotor maybe the fuel filter is clogged i had the same problem but it turned out to be a dizzy cap and rotor


try this

ok if you siad there is spark going to the spark plugs then it might not by a ignition problem and how did you check that? it might be a fuel system problem just because there is fuel coming out of the fuel line it dose not mean that its enough to start the engine. is the screw that is holding the rotor tight.