where to get the H badges


New Member
how about the H centercaps for the 15" ls web meshes?


New Member
I got a brand new set of the H's off ebay for $40 shipped, front and back for the teg


Raceline USA
I picked mine up at the dealership. Expensive, only go as a last resort. Costed me just under $100.. unless you want brand new.
Yeah, I asked the local Honda dealership how much the centercaps cost once. I believe they're $20/cap.


New Member
sooo whats the easiest way to get the old A badges out? i dont wana go trying to yank them out and break things.


Name: Cody
^ i was wondering that too?
and also where to get the red "A" badges?
only found one on ebay and it was front and back for 120 + shipping
anyother good places?