does anyone else on this site use an alpine head unit with the optional iPod interface cable? My project this weekend was to connect the two(i just got the cable). I decided to route the cable from the back of the head unit, under the center console and into the armrest so thats where my iPod will be. Ive learned two things...1. PLAN! 2. If youre gonna do this, drill a sideways hole on the hump in the armrest where the e-brake is. i say this because i made the mistake of not planning, and i drilled a hole in the bottom of my armrest. meaning small objects can fall into it.
my question is, do you leave your iPod connected when not in use/out of the car? because even if i take my key out the iPod still is on the Alpine okay to disconnect screen. dunno if thats draining the iPods battery? anyone else notice this?
my question is, do you leave your iPod connected when not in use/out of the car? because even if i take my key out the iPod still is on the Alpine okay to disconnect screen. dunno if thats draining the iPods battery? anyone else notice this?