Kev's Teaser =D

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
No that's just an example of what I'm painting my new wheels.

I still have the grids. The New wheels are gonna be Olive Green.

While I have the new wheels on. I'll be painting the Grids White with Blue Lip.
Matt......... Lol.

I think they're Konigs too so it's whatever. I wouldn't paint real Volks.

To clear things up:

The Grids: Painted white with blue lip

The Konig Heliums: Are getting painted OLIVE GREEN this week.

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
You'll possibly see them on Next Week. But I definitely think they're Konigs.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
all you need to do is check the lettering on the lip, that was the first giveaway for me.

but yea, at first glance i thought they were konigs, they could also be the velox, and i think spun, drag or rota is starting to make copies of them also

i had to do some research before i bought my set, just to make sure if they were legit. iono how "ultra light" yours are, but the volks are super duper light. dudes installling tires on them were waving my rims around like a feather. :p

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
I was doing that to mine at shop class lol. I waved to a girl and raised the wrong hand when I took the tire off.

They're Konigs.

Can't wait to paint them Camo/Olive Green.


>>>Honda Enthusiast<<<
jus a thought, you should strip the paint and see what they would looked like polished. i haven't seen them done to the "CE28n's" but i think they would look sickkkk.

K. Legaspi

You Buggin' Out
Changed my mind about colors. Magnesium Blue or close to it.

I sanded down the Curb rash on them and I'm still not quite done.

Thanks for looking.

Yeah I think I'm gonna stick to Mag Blue. lol


I thought Velox had sharper edges (If that makes sense).
for a comparison.. here my Velox Vx-8r and my VX-8..


VX-8R- I have center caps on them now

Maybe I'll buy new Volks one day, but until than I <3 my veloxs...

Nice pick up man! if your such a wheel whore, will theses be 4sale anytime soon? :lol:
might be interested if you ever sell...